: Sat, Nov 5, 2016
: Interview Session
Video in OJF
Is it possible to allow / enable the concerned Interviewer and
concerned jobseekers , to download the video of their own interview session , at the end ? This facility will be very useful , at least to the candidate being interviewed , for watching it later , again and again , to find out where he goofed up / gave wrong answers / expressed poorly / wrong body language / lack of listening - etiquette etc Pl consider Hcp Sent from my iPad |
: Fri, Nov 4, 2016
Even as I
await your phone call , here are two suggestions to " dazzle " the
Recruiters and the Jobseekers , in OJF :
# Simplifying Recruiter's Life
recruiter / interviewer can just CLICK OPEN a resume and remember that he has
interviewed this guy , 3 months / 6 months / 3 years back , AND marked him
" Rejected " after filling up the " Candidate Assessment Form
" - especially , if Recruiter is conducting interviews ( of , mostly
FRESH GRADUATES ) , day in and day out
Of course,
we have made a provision whereby , if a Recruiter has any doubt , he can call
/ look up , the past INTERVIEW HISTORY of that candidate , and see the past
But , why
leave this to chance ?
Candidate has a PEN ( Permanent Executive Number ) , and each Recruiter
Company has a PCN ( Permanent Corporate Number )
Once , a
Company has interviewed a Candidate , these NUMBERS get linked , permanently
So , next
time the SAME candidate applies to SAME company , we should have no problem
to POP UP his past " Candidate Assessment Form " ALSO , when
Recruiter CLCKS to Open / Read his resume !
No need to
remember ! Recruiters will love this HELP !
# Simplifying Candidate's Life
We decided
that we cannot allow a Jobseeker to " Peep In " any interview cabin
and listen into the Questions by the Recruiter and the Answers by the
Jobseeker . Such an intrusion of privacy will put off both the parties ! They
will feel like being inside a FISH BOWL !
But ,
We are
going to capture / store in our database , the entire Interview Session (
Video + Audio ) , of each and every interview
We are ,
even going to convert each audio / spoken , Question ( and Answer ? ) into
Text , in order to create a DATA BANK of Interview Questions
I believe ,
it is possible ( I don't know how easy or difficult ) , to substitute in the
Video :
Interviewer's face with my face ( I don't mind ! Makes me immortal ! )
Jobseeker's face with your face ( free Brand Building ! )
make such
Video available for online viewing , to Jobseekers ( who are willing to pay
Rs 5 per Video ) for " Preparing for Interview " ( a kind of
Training to get Interviewed )
Even the
TEXT of those Questions and Answers , can be super-imposed on each frame !
Remember ,
enabling Interviewers and Jobseekers to get an " EXPERIENCE " of
the kind that no other job portal offers , has to be our USP
: Thu, Nov 3, 2016
: Requirements
PPT for proposed recruitment system
I look forward to our
telecom tomorrow
In the meantime , you may
want to take a look at the following news re LinkedIn tie-up with HRD
Ministry - resulting in 2 lakh students " registering " in 2 months
You will recall that , in
one of my earlier mails , I had suggested for OJF to tie up with,
> 914
Employment Exchanges
> 10,000
and send them , DAILY (
Obviously , we are at the
cusp of a DIGITAL REVOLUTION with launch of OJF !
Also take a look at :
Sings MoU with HRD Ministry to Create More Jobs for Students
published: November 3, 2016, 10:51 AM
IST | Updated: 5 hours ago
networking website LinkedIn has announced that it has signed a memorandum of
understanding (MoU) with the Human Resources Development Ministry to create
more job opportunities for students across the country.
part of the agreement, LinkedIn's recently launched "Placements"
product will be adopted by all Indian colleges affiliated with All India Council
for Technical Education (AICTE).
provides a level playing field for all students, regardless of their location
or college and allows them to take an online assessment test, which gives
them direct access to thousands of openings in 35 top corporates in the
objective with Placements is to help India's best talent get access to job
opportunities, regardless of their location. With this partnership, we are
excited to see our vision quickly become a reality," said Akshay Kothari,
Country Manager and Head of Product, LinkedIn India, in a statement.
was piloted in November 2015 and then LinkedIn opened the product in
September 2016 to students at all colleges and universities in India.
less than eight weeks from the launch, over two lakh students registered for
the product and there were over 1.2 million job applications.
: Wed, Nov 2, 2016
VS /
somewhat crude / incomplete , following comparison might interest you
OnlineJobsFair Vs
A Typical Job Portal ]
Dear HR
Manager / Interviewer :
many reasons for preferring this web site over other typical job portals ,
here is the most convincing ;
is FASTER as
well as CHEAPER !
Take a look
at the following comparison
: Post
Job Advts
# OnlineJobsFair
: Online , in 5 minutes
# Typical Job Portal : Online , in 5 minutes
: Candidate
Job Search & Apply
# OnlineJobsFair
: Online in 1 day / Fewer jobs / Jobs arranged Company
# Typical Job Portal : Online in 10 days /
Thousands of jobs / Days to find a suitable job
: Resume
receiving / reading / short-listing
# OnlineJobsFair : Online in 0.5 day / All
"applied" resumes stored in RESUME HOLDER, vacancy-wise
# Typical Job Portal : OFFLINE in 10 days /
Mailbox flooded with resumes for many different vacancies
advertized . Difficult and time-consuming to " sort "
: Send
Interview Intimations to short-listed candidates
# OnlineJobsFair : Online from web site in 0.5 days
# Typical Job Portal : OFFLINE ( email to each ) takes 5 days
: Actual
Interviewing and Rating
# OnlineJobsFair : Online in 1 day
# Typical Job Portal : OFFLINE in 1 day
: Send out
Job Offers
# OnlineJobsFair : Job Offers posted Online , automatically , instantly ( No time ! )
# Typical Job Portal : OFFLINE through email , takes 3 days
OnlineJobsFair > 3 days
Typical Job Portal > 29 days
OnlineJobsFair > NIL
Typical Job Portal > Rs 50,000 - 100,000 , depending upon logistics /
infrastructure / portal subscription !
: Tue, Nov 1, 2016
VS /
back , my colleague Sanjivani , created a few pages of OnlineJobsFair ( including U / I ) , by typing out
But we gave
up after a few pages , since it was a very time-consuming process
But whatever
pages did get typed , I just uploaded at :
I hope these
pages are easier to read as compared to my handwritten notes !
: Tue, Nov 1, 2016
VS / Kartavya
Following may
interest you - especially , the comment on " SPEECH
You will
recall that , our own LONG TERM
GOAL , is to
capture and analyze , all the ( spoken ) , Interview Questions and Answers , in OJF , in order to develop /
create , "Digital Assistants " called QUESTIONBOT and ANSWERBOT !
DATA - What the Data Can Do for You
Moving beyond using data analytics for
predicting customer behaviour online, data analytics has moved to solving
more complex challenges using video, image and speech analytics, which is being used in the field of
sports, healthcare and security among others.
ET's Shadma Shaikh takes a look at new applications of analytics ![]() Sent from my iPad |
: Tue, Nov 1, 2016
preparation of the BLOCK DIAGRAM for OJF ( OnlineJobsFair ) , the following
links might help Meena / Pascal :
These were
drafted some 4 years back and , as discussed during my visit to your office
last Thursday , there are several changes in our thinking
VS :
Earlier , you had indicated that
you planned to visit Mumbai in the first week of November , for a detailed
discussion with Kartavaya's team / myself , to freeze the FUNCTIONAL
I wonder if you have firmed up your
: Sat, Oct 29, 2016
This article might interest you in the context of " Marketing
Strategy for OJF -
Online Jobs Fair "
In one of my earlier mails , I had suggested tying up with 914 Employment Exchanges
Currently , FRESH GRADUATES ( 3.5 million every year ) are the biggest users ofOFFLINE job fairs
So , it stands to reason that they will also be the biggest
users of ONLINE job fair
Again , there are lakhs of colleges where company recruiters do not go for Campus Interviews
They should be happy to post on their notice boards , our
following email :
Dear Students ( Final year / Graduate - Post Graduate ),
Following Companies will be conducting job interviews on , as per schedule shown below:
Name of Company / Position - Vacancy / Date / Time / Virtual
Interview Cabin Number
Final year students who are interested in appearing for any of
the above job , should register on OJF and " Apply "
XYZ College
Date :.................
I believe, there is no technical problem for our software to
send out such a email ( of job interview listing ) to all those colleges which REGISTER on our site on page
We may allow them to choose / select :
Pl send us " Job Interview Listing " > Once Daily > Once a week
Taking learning to screens, across the globe
Impartus targets 10,000 institutes; to focus on South-East Asia,
East Africa
In times when MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) enjoy favour
across the world, even full-time postgraduate degrees are being offered
online in markets like the US and UK.
However, what’s been missing in India is the delivery of high
quality teaching to students in a way that they can access lectures even
outside the campus.
in India
Higher education in India is still campus-based with some
institutes offering distance learning as an alternative.
With Impartus Innovations reportedly already helping more than 75
institutions in the country deliver teaching via
video, many students enrolled at these institutions can access the
company’s flagship productLecture Capture on a range
of devices.
Amit Mahensaria, co-founder of Impartus Innovations, says:
“We’ve moved from zero to 75-80 per cent market share in India, but even that
is small considering the larger base to tap is more than 10,000 institutes.”
Impartus has institutions paying a subscription fee on the basis of number of classrooms
enabled with its solutions.
IFIM B-School, for example, has reportedly made investments of about
a crore, in supporting infrastructure, including solutions by
The institute’s relationship with the company is well over a
couple of years old, according to a Sanjay Padode, Secretary (Centre for
Developmental Education), IFIM B-School.
“Around 27 of the institute’s classrooms are enabled by video-based
solutions. We’ve received higher enrolments from students outside the
city, but beyond the impact on admissions, benefits are seen to be higher in
the learning aspect of it all,” Padode shares.
He adds that while students don’t have to take notes anymore,
they can also access the same lessons or modules taught by other teachers; they
can also view old lectures before they choose an elective.
For over two years, Xerox Research Centre India (XRCI) has been
“developing technology for learning platforms” in its research lab.
According to Manish Gupta, Vice-President and Director, XRCI’s
partnership with Impartus is still in early stages and the three-year agreement on a revenue-sharing basis is “reasonably open ended” in
terms of R&D undertaken.
“We were focussed on the engineering education side of things,
but on a quick survey of players in the higher education space, Impartus
stood out. They already had a presence in institutions across India, while
we’re strong in areas like machine learning and other unique capabilities,”
Gupta says.
What’s already possible on Lecture Capture, thanks to the deal with
XRCI, is automatic indexing so that students find the lecture of
their choice; XRCI’s software reportedly also identifies sub-topics.
Mahensaria claims that Impartus has enjoyed growth
of 100-200 per cent per annum, as well as month-on-month growth of
10-15 per cent.
Meanwhile, IFIM B-School’s Padode sees that teachers are
motivated to make lectures interesting; students get to give their feedback on lectures.
Impartus received Series A funding of more than $4 million from Kaizen Private Equity
after bootstrapping the company for more than a year.
The funds are being used for further product development,
international expansions, and sales and marketing.
“In Kenya, an untapped market for us, we’re working with a
channel partner. We’ve started marketing in South East Asia and East Africa.
In Malaysia, we’re investing heavily because we’re also looking at the
country as a base for strategic investments in the larger region. But at the
moment, more than 90 per cent of our revenues come from India,” Mahensaria
(This article was published on October
28, 2016)
: Mon, Oct 24, 2016
I request
you to give your feedback on my following suggestions , before I meet
Kartavya's team on Thursday
ICR = Interview Call Rate
" No of jobseekers called for interviews "
, ...... divided by
" No of jobseekers applied for interviews "
percentage will be computed only for ONLINE
INTERVIEWS of a given
So ,
obviously , this is where , after " Posting Job Advt " , he has
selected / ticked " For OnlineJobFair "
It will be a CUMULATIVE
PERCENTAGE of ALL of his Job advts and ALL the candidates sent interview calls
In the
" Job Search Display Tabulation " , we will have a COLUMN , wherein
, this % is displayed
The higher
the percentage , the higher is a jobseekers probability of being called for
an interview , should he care to apply
That would
motivate jobseekers to apply against those jobs / employers , who have a high
% score !
A self
fulfilling prophesy ?
The reason
why this cannot be applied to Interview calls ( sent offline after
downloading resumes ) against RSS feed job advts is , those interview calls
do NOT go through our site
Charging for conducting Online Interview thru OJF
Earlier , I
had suggested a rate of Rs 50 per cabin per interviewer per hour
I now
suggest , we change this to , Rs 25 per candidate called ( for interview ) - whether he turns
up or not !
explained above will make more candidates to " apply " , raising
the probability of more candidates getting called for an interview >
more revenue !
Remember ,
ICRs ( of all the Employers ) should be also ( somehow ) made visible
to them ALL ( in a descending order ? )
It is just (
remotely ) possible that this might prompt an Employers to " call "
more candidates for interview , so as to raise his ICR percentage and move up
the ladder in the ICR tabulation ! A kind of Reputation System !
In one of my
earlier job portals ( cannot remember which ! ) , we had also introduced a system
/ feature , whereby an Employer's RESPONSIVENESS was also computed / given weightage
, based on " Number of days that he took to send out an
interview call from the date of receipt of an application / request for
interview "
The faster
he responded ( whichever way - including " rejected for interview "
), the higher SCORE he
got !
cumulative NUMBER was also published against the name of each job
Idea was to
highlight those employers who fell in the category of " Apply , Apply , NO Reply ! "
decades of Online Recruitment , this continues to remain the SINGLE BIGGEST complaint of the
applicants !
To motivate
Employers to register , I suggest we give them , a " Joining
Bonus " of 100
Interview Calls , FREE
( ie approx
Rs 2500 for Customer acquisition )
We should
further ' incentivize " them by fixing our tariff as follows :
Those Employers having " Interview Call Rate ( ICR ) " ,
* 0 to 30 ,
............. Rs 50 per Interview Call
* 31 to
60............... Rs 40 per call
* 61 and above........... Rs
25 per call
So , that ,
as their Interview Call Rate keeps rising , they pay less
per interview call
Since ICR
can keep going up / down , Employer Account ( Credit Balance ) will need to
be debited dynamically
Product / Service Advertisements
We will
create a separate page for an Employer to ALSO post ( absolutely voluntary )
, his PRODUCT / SERVICE advt
on this page . It could be a PPT or
a 5 second Video
We will
charge the Employer , ( say ) Rs 100 per Thousand
Impressions for this publicity ( 10 paise each ! )
Every time ,
an Employer's " Job Advt " gets short-listed ( by our
software ) in " Job Advt Tabulation " during any " Job Search
" being conducted by a jobseeker , this PRODUCT
advt will play !
Very targeted , when that jobseeker is in a
frame of mind to know / learn , more about a particular job-advertiser before
considering to apply or not !
Just perfect
timing !
We should
also explore , if these PRODUCT advts
can also be delivered onto a jobseeker's mobile on app, " My
Jobs "
Can you
imagine a mobile add being delivered at 10 paise per impression , vs Rs
2/3 being charged by
InMobi or Rs 8/10 by
Google !
Match Index
There will
be a column with this heading in,
* Job Advts Display ( during Job Search by a jobseeker )
Here , we are " matching " all searched / displayed job
advts with THE resume of
the concerned jobseeker , (benchmark resume ) and computing the " Match Index
" as explained in my handwritten notes
We will
arrange all found job advts in the descending order of the Match Index
That means ,
better matching job advts get listed at the TOP and chances are that the
jobseeker will click open ( VIEW FULL ADVT button ), only 5/6 at the top ( Filtering through our Job Recommendation
System )
Obviously ,
Employers would want their job advts to get a HIGH match-index and get listed
at the top !
In Phase 3 ,
we will do this ( I have a solution )
This is as
far as recommending the right / best jobs to a candidate
But what can
we do to recommend the right / best candidates to an employer ?
Unlike a
Jobseeker ( who has only ONE resume to be benchmarked ) , an Employer does
not have any ONE / SINGLE document ( containing relevant Keywords ) against
which to benchmark the resumes !
You will
find a solution in " RESUME SEARCH "
page of !
: Sun, Oct 23, 2016
Following might interest you
OnlineJobsFair ( OJF )
/ Phase 3
/ Useful Inputs
{ Source : DNA / 23 Oct 2016 }
Joey from Friends becomes first TV
character to be 'virtually immortalized'
Researchers at the University of Leeds have now created a ‘virtually
immortalized’ or rather,
a digital
version of Joey
Tribbiani, a character from popular TV show Friends. They analyzed the body
language, facial expressions and voice of the Joey and simply, created a chatbot.
The team of researchers aims to “immortalize popular characters”
and give them a digital avatar.
Similar to Siri and Alexa, you can have a simple
conversation with the
voice assistant. The team plans to expand the technique to other characters
as well.
The team built a series of algorithms that can recognize
individual characters, capturing their body language, facial
expressions and voice.
These tools analyze the show’s script and tries to understand how each
character typically behaves and talks. It then builds a virtual
talking avatar of the
characters fully automatically from TV shows.
“We plan to improve the rendering of the avatar and extend
our model to include interaction with real people and also between avatars,”
said the team in a paper outlining the technique.
{ My note : A " Recruiter Agent " talking to a
" Jobseeker Agent " ? }
The team’s framework was demonstrated using all 236 episodes (97 hours of video) from the TV series
Friends and explained how the tool generated novel sentences such as the evergreen “How YOU doin”
catchphrase among others such as “Hey Ross do you want me to talk to some
lady?” and “I like pizza with cheese”.
The end result?
A ‘virtually immortalized’ Joey which will be capable
of generating its own sentences in
his own swanky style and voice, with a mouth moving to speak these words as
Reportedly, the synthesized mouth that talks Joey will be
layered over actor Matt LeBlanc, from the original footage of the show.
{ Source : / 23 Oct 2016 }
Five ways in which 5G
will change your life
in partnership with Ericsson, has been testing one of the world’s first 5G
radio test beds in Melbourne. It’s the very latest in wireless
technology, and is expected to greatly enhance the speed, reliability, and
latency of mobile networks when it’s deployed post 2020.
what will this mean in the real world? Here are five ways 5G will change your
Video in ways we haven’t yet imagined
the time 5G is deployed, network traffic is expected to grow more than five
times the amount it is today and approximately 80%
of that will be video. There are a couple of reasons for that:
§ Video streaming standards and quality are rapidly changing.
Today’s SD and HD movies require data rate of ~[3-5] Mbps. Tomorrow we expect
to see 4K with High Dynamic Range, which will push data rates to 20 Mbps per
movie. And live events will stream multiple views simultaneously to a
device. This is a huge demand only 5G can fill.
§ { My Note : One hundred simultaneous online " Job Interviews
" on OJF ? }
§ Sending
video to and from each other and
machines is set to explode. New forms of social media and the use of wireless
connected cameras to upload all forms of video security and surveillance
(even from drones scanning for sharks) will drive video traffic even further.
our testing of 5G showed speeds of greater than 20Gbps. That’s the equivalent
of streaming around 4,000 different HD movies all at the same time in today’s formats. We can see now
how 5G will be capable of maintaining the quality and resolution of the
future demands of video with much less buffering.
The world and the things in it get smarter
Internet of Things (IoT) means technology will make almost anything and everything a whole
lot more connected and as a result a lot smarter.
of a world where you know where your pets and belongings are at any time.
Where the entire transport system is tracked, managed and synchronised to the
real time movement of passengers.
crops and livestock are managed down to their individual locations, which are
all linked and tracked to local weather patterns, soil moisture and
to the Ericsson Mobility Report 2016, mobile network connected IoT devices are expected to explode in adoption
and use worldwide going from 400 million in 2015 to 1.5 billion in 2021. Not
just that, it’s expected each household alone will have more than 100
connected devices.
applications are emerging today however it’s 5G that will take the scale of
IoT devices to new levels with lower latency (delay time), low power (making
devices much more budget friendly with long battery life), and the ability to
move data on a massive scale.
Drones and disaster recovery
is already using drones to inspect mobile base stations quickly and safely
after a disaster and restore services faster.
imagine a world where drones deliver parcels, look for lost bushwalkers,
rescue swimmers in danger, support emergency services, and deliver high quality
live video for news and surveillance?
a world will require the tracking and management of huge swarms of drones in
a safe and efficient manner (all in compliance with the aviation rules of the
day), and all able to reliably connect back to the ground via a 5G network.
can only become possible at this scale through the improved latency (delay
time), beam forming (less interference), and the bandwidths that 5G can
Driverless planes, trains and automobiles
why not. Driverless automobiles are definitely the way of the future and 5G
will make this even more likely through the super low signal latency and
higher speeds. 5G will enable the technology that allows cars to talk, or
interact with the roads, traffic signs and the other cars around them.
Realising that the car in front of you has braked suddenly, and if there’s a
traffic jam up ahead, are pretty important things for a driverless car to
the thought of driverless cars might be frightening for some, having autonomous
vehicles on 5G interact with other cars, smart roads and smart traffic lights
is actually expected to improve safety and traffic flow.
it’s not just brand new cars that may be driverless. Some manufacturers are
working on retrofitting technology to existing vehicles, which could make
driverless cars much more affordable.
Seamless living in virtual, augmented or actual reality
virtual reality and augmented reality are here today and mainly used for
gaming, 5G means more and more real world applications will become available.
delay time and the increase in bandwidth will allow VR and AR to be fully mobile and available everywhere.
being immersed in a sport and being able to see a player’s stats and even
pulse rate overlayed in real time, as if you were actually there? Or training
firefighters and other dangerous occupations in a realistic but safe
environment? Then take it a step further and imagine a doctor working on a
patient over distance with 3D images or organs and vital stats overlayed on
the patient?
much more likely in a 5G world.
David McKechnie
David McKechnie works for
the Telstra Chief Technology Office, where we investigate future technologies
and how they might be used by our customers. Before embracing his inner
“propeller head”, he consulted on mobile networks in all kinds of interesting
places, including Singapore, Thailand, China, and regional Australia. He
likes things that line up in the same direction and enjoys nothing more on a
Sunday morning than a bike ride followed by coffee and a few hours of SBS
{ Source : Times of India / 23 Oct 2016
It's cheaper to start
a web firm than a chai shop
Answer by Vikram Chachra, founder partner of seed fund Eight Innovate A majority of the Fortune 500 businesses anywhere have been bootstrapped. However, most of them took decades to build and required some personal capital from the founder.
But if you are
launching an internet startup, you don't even need that initial capital to
get going. What you need is a unique and clear idea of
how to improve an essential service,
10X better, rock-star coding skills backed by relentless tenacity, a free
couch (to sleep on) and pizza money.
Think about it:
Today, the cost of
technology is so low that it's cheaper to launch an internet venture than a
roadside chai shop.
AWS gives you free
credits to host your site initially, while Jio has pushed data prices to peanuts. And the 10X idea?Think of creating an internet utility that people
will use every day to save money, save time, make a living, or reduce effort.
If you get it right,
your customers will find you via word-of-mouth.
For such a utility
service, the cost of acquiring and servicing every new customer tends to
zero, while the marginal revenue per unit remains constant.
As your customer base
grows, so do your profits. As long as your profits are greater than your
fixed costs, you can keep building your team and keep growing.
If you are sustainable and hit upon a growth formula that can help you dominate the market, then don't under-fund your venture for the sake of bootstrapping.
This is the precise
moment when outside capital works becomes your best friend, other than lady
luck, of course.
: Thu, Oct 20, 2016
Following report is a major breakthrough
- and of considerable potential use in OJF (
OnlineJobsFair )
I believe , by this time next year , MS
may make available an API to integrate this technology into
any kind of web service ( -
if they don't , Google will ! )
You will recall my note on developing of
a " QuestionBot " in OJF , by Audio recording and analyzing millions of
" Interview Questions and Answers "
, using Big Data / AI
With an API from MS , it would be easy to
convert all those audio Questions / Answers , into TEXT !
That would open up enormous
opportunities !
Microsoft Develops First Human-Like Speech Recognition System
( Source : NDTV / 20 Oct 2016
WASHINGTON: In a major breakthrough
in speech recognition, researchers at Microsoft claim to have developed the
first technology that recognises
the words in a conversation as well as humans do.
A team of researchers and engineers in Microsoft Artificial Intelligence and Research created a speech recognition system that makes the same or fewer errors than professional transcriptionists.
They reported a word error rate (WER)
of 5.9 per cent, down from the 6.3 per cent WER the team reported just last
The 5.9 per cent error rate is about equal to that of people who were asked to transcribe the same conversation, and it is the lowest ever recorded against the industry standard Switchboard speech recognition task. "We've reached human parity. This is a historic achievement," Xuedong Huang, the company's chief speech scientist said in a blog post. The milestone means that, for the first time, a computer can recognise the words in a conversation as well as a person would. In doing so, the team beat a goal they set less than a year ago - and greatly exceeded everyone else's expectations as well. The research milestone comes after decades of research in speech recognition, beginning in the early 1970s with DARPA, the US agency tasked with making technology breakthroughs. Over the decades, most major technology companies and many research organisations joined in the pursuit. "This accomplishment is the culmination of over twenty years of effort," said Geoffrey Zweig, who manages the Speech and Dialog research group. The milestone will have broad implications for consumer and business products that can be significantly augmented by speech recognition. That includes consumer entertainment devices like the Xbox, accessibility tools such as instant speech-to-text transcription and personal digital assistants such as Cortana. "This will make Cortana more powerful, making a truly intelligent assistant possible," Shum said. The research milestone does not mean the computer recognised every word perfectly. In fact, humans do not do that, either. Instead, it means that the error rate - or the rate at which the computer misheard a word like "have" for "is" or "a" for "the" - is the same as you would expect from a person hearing the same conversation. Zweig attributed the accomplishment to the systematic use of the latest neural network technology in all aspects of the system. The push that got the researchers over the top was the use of neural language models in which words are represented as continuous vectors in space, and words like "fast" and "quick" are close together. "This lets the models generalise very well from word to word," Zweig said.
Source : Artificial Intelligence
Application Programming ; second edition ; 2006
Author : M Tim Jones
Chapter / Page : Agent based Software ;
Paragraph :
" Agents are also called
intelligent agents , because intelligence is a key component of agency .
Whereas agents can take various forms,
some consider agents to be surrogates on a network or the Internet that
could fulfill some activity useful to their user in the real world { King95 }
The agent would be endowed with
the wishes of
its user and
then make any necessary decisions while communicating with other agents (
possibly representing other users )
An example : selling agent of
this type may find other buying agents at specially created auction hosts to
sell goods for their users
These agents could also deceptively act
as buyers, to identify the costs of a similar good for sale and adjust their
prices accordingly
My comments on the margin of this page
( dt 07 Jan 2007 )
" Agents
of Jobseekers negotiating salary / terms etc with Agents of Recruiters
Virtual Job Fair will be / can be , a Negotiating Platform for,
{ A } Buyer's Agents ( Recruiters )
{ B } Sellers Agents ( Jobseekers
: Wed, Oct 19, 2016
: Process Flow Chart
# Process
Flow Chart ( attached )
When we launch OJF ( OnlineJobsFair ) , we should have one page called
" OJF Process Flow Chart "
That would make it very easy for both the
Employers and the Jobseekers , to quickly understand how our site works and whatexactly , each party is
expected to do and when ( at each stage )
I could not find any such Flow Chart
on TalView . May be , one of
your colleague can actually " register " on TalView ( as Employer ?
or as a Jobseeker ? ) , in order to tabulate TalView's Process Flow
That would help you compare our process with theirs to understand where we need to
improve ( if at all )
# Following
news report from " Manpower Inc "
This appeared today . It should be read in
conjunction with another report on the subject of " job losses in India " , prepared
by a Delhi based civil society group " PRAHAR " , which appeared in Hindustan Times ,
PRAHAR report says ( based on Labour Bureau data ):
# No of jobs created by India ,
* In 2015..........
* In
2013.......... 419,000
* In
2011.......... 900,000
# No of jobs getting lost, during past
4 years ...... 550 per day
( ie : 2 lakh per year
# By 2050 , employment would shrink
by.................... 7 Million ( 70 lakh in next 35 years )
# By 2050 , population would have
grown by............... 600 Million
# Organizes
sector contributes only 1 % of employment in India ( Market served by Naukri / Monster etc)
( a total of 30 million jobs )
sector employs 40 % of country's workforce ( Our BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY market ? )
( a total of 440 million jobs - in , possibly , 40
million organizations ; ave of 10 per SME )
Also consider this :
# There are about 914 Employment Exchanges (
Central+State ) , in our country
# Between them , they had ( some 3
years back ) , 41 million registered
jobseekers ( mostly 10th / 12th
Standard pass + BA
/ B Com / B Sc + ITI passed ; very few Professional Graduates like Engineers
/ MBA )
# The current rate at which these
Employment Exchanges are managing to find jobs for those registered,
it would take
them 300 years to clear the existing
backlog !
# OnlineJobsFair has a potential
to " partner "
with these Physical Employment Exchanges by
" incentivizing " them in some way , whereby they stop
entertaining hard copies of ( handwritten or
typed ) , applications (
impossible to retrieve ! ) and insist that the unemployed coming to them for
registration , are
" helped / assisted "
to directly register on OnlineJobsFair
# Now, the Government ( owner of those
Employment Exchanges ) cannot be incentivized by money !
Greatest form of incentive for
any minister is to be able to claim ( with facts and figures ) , what his
Ministry has " achieved " !
Labour Minister ( Bandaru
Dattatreya ) , HRD Minister ( Prakash Javdekar ) and MSME minister ( Kalraj
Misra ) , would like to " take credit " for the number of
unemployed for whom these Employment
Exchanges , " found jobs " ! Or , at the
minimum , the number of unemployed whom they helped get
an interview
call !
# So , we tell them : Whenever
our registered Employer , sends out an Interview Call to one of the
registered Jobseeker , we will send you an " Email Alert "
We will also sent to you a weekly / monthly
/ quarterly SUMMARY statement
You may take CREDIT for helping these guys !
How do we know whether a particular
jobseeker belongs to ANY government employment exchange ?
In our REGISTRATION FORM ( ie " Submit
Resume " form for " Fresh Graduates " ) , we will add one
check box , which reads : I am also
registered on a Govt Employment Exchange
Remember , it is just not good enough to
have an excellent product / service
It has to have an excellent " marketing
" as well !
About 48% Indian employers face
talent shortage to fill job vacancies: Survey
About 48% of
employers in India are facing difficulties
in filling job vacancies due to shortage of talent, said a latest
An American multinational human resource consulting firm Manpower Group has recently conducted a
survey titled 'Talent Shortage' wherein it surveyed more than 42,000
employers across the globe.
According to the survey findings, the employers in India are experiencing talent shortage
in IT, Accounting and Finance, Project Managers, Sales Managers, Customer
Service Representatives and Customer Support, among others.
The IT staff are the hardest jobs to fill in India with
Accounting and Finance staff in the second place followed by Project Managers
and Sales Managers in the third and fourth place, respectively, it said.
About 36% said lack of soft skills and
around 34% looking for more pay than what is being offered are the top
reasons that Indian employers cannot fill the positions.
{ My comments :
Asynchronous Video Resumes / Interviews , fail to tell the Interviewer,
anything about a candidate's communication skills / expression ; a SOFT SKILL , which is
the most important skill required today , for most positions }
“The demand index for IT and Accounting professionals have been
on a continuous rise.
Focus on technology up-gradation and better financial access
will drive the sectors growth in the coming months.
Further, in an attempt to provide financial services into
rural areas as an initiative by the Government of India and Reserve Bank of
India (RBI), the demand is projected to grow across core and support
functions,” ManpowerGroup India group managing director AG Rao said in a
press release on Tuesday.
“Technology has and will continue to fundamentally reshape the
world, job-seekers need to have a continuous learning mode and learn new
ideas and skills throughout their working career. With increased automation,
the industry will see a rise in high-skilled jobs,” Rao added.
Besides, as skills needs change rapidly in the organisations,
about 36% of employers in India are training and developing existing
employees to fill open positions, the survey noted.
The more information on L&T Recruitment 2018 is available on the official website.
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